Sunday, August 22, 2010

Songs to Bus to.

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So in my last post I mentioned that I spent my weekend in driving school. Since I can't drive I spend a lot of time on the bus. I don't mean a 20 minute bus drive. I would say that I spend an average of 2 hours a day on a bus, and when school starts I would say that number will go up to about 3.
Now since that is a scary amount of time to just sit there and think about things, I try to spend that time listening to some good tunes.
Most people expect all of the songs on my iPhone to be dance music, rap, hip hop, etc.
I can't say that I really want to be dancing on the bus, so I like to listen to some solid, happy, cute, or mellow songs.

Warning : You are now entering the contents of my 'AM Bus' playlist.

Change of Seasons - Sweet Thing
Peaches - The Presidents of the United States of America
Cold War - Janelle Monae
Hey Soul Sister - Train
I'm Yours - Jason Mraz
Nothing on You - B.O.B
Stuck Like Glue - Sugarland
Secrets - One Republic
Don't Be Shy - Shwayze
1, 2, 3, 4 - Plain White T's
Rhythm of Love - Plain White T's
Mine - Taylor Swift
Put Me Back Together - Weezer
I'm Your Daddy - Weezer
Memories - Weezer
If You're Wondering If I Want You To - Weezer

Keeping this playlist on shuffle makes my mornings great, especially since there is nobody to text between 5am and 11am in the summer!

Ever since seeing Weezer live in July, I have been pretty much obsessed with them. This is the song that has been on repeat for the past 2 weeks.

Carpe Diem ♥

1 comment:

  1. cool blog girl!!
    take also a look at mine and maybe we can become blogfriends :)?
