Wednesday, August 3, 2011

The battle against addiction

Now I'm a pretty healthy girl, I don't smoke and I hardly ever drink.
My addiction is caffeine. I've watched myself grow dependent on it to a point of extremes. I work at a very popular coffee chain, where caffeine is the solution to all of life's problems. On a day with a full 8 hour shift, I have caught myself drinking over 6 cups of coffee. Yowzers.
I decided that a three day weekend was a good time to start my detox from caffeine. I started on the Saturday and found myself not really being myself for the weekend (although it was still a really good weekend). I`m on the fifth day right now and I`m noticing that I`m slowly becoming my cheerful self, without coffee!!
They say it takes 2 weeks to fully get over a caffeine addiction, so I`m really hoping I can stick to this!


  1. Good luck! I don't like tea or coffee so have managed to avoid needing them to get me through the day, can imagine it will be tough so stick with it!xx

  2. Good luck, I have the saem thing! Real need to kick it.

    Helen, X
