Friday, October 29, 2010

Day 5 - 30 Day Photo Challenge

Day 5 - A picture of your favorite memory.
Rugby 2008
The first girls rugby team our school had ever seen, and we had no idea what we were doing.
Showering after games only to go to dances with concussions and injuries.
Getting in trouble for blasting music and dancing in the locker room.
Falling in love with a sport that I had never heard of before, and making memories with these girls that I will never forget.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Day 4 - 30 Day Photo Challenge

Day 4 - A picture of your night
Now I completely forgot to get a picture, but I spent my night with Jill, and Erica.
It's become tradition to go on Ottawa's haunted jail walk before Halloween.
I know every story, but it's always a good time!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 3 - 30 Day Photo Challenge

Day 3 - A picture of the cast from your favorite show

Weeknights at 6&11.... and sometimes at 8.
This show is 3rd tier live television madness.
And I love it.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Day 2 - 30 Day Photo Challenge

Day 2 - A photo of you and someone you've been closest with for the longest

Sisters. Does anything else need to be said?

Day 1 - 30 Day Photo Challenge

So recently on facebook, I've seen a few friends start the '30 Day Challenge' where you post a certain picture or fact about yourself each day. I've decided to do this on my blog so I don't spam people every day for 30 days.

Day 1 - A photo of yourself with fifteen facts about yourself.

1. I watch terrible television shows. I can't help it.
2. I watch YouTube religiously before bed every night.
3. I'm agnostic.
4. I'm jealous of people who are religious.
5. When I turn off the lights in the basement, I sprint up the stairs.
6. I love going to the gym.
7. I love smiling.
8. I love making other people smile.
9. I hate losing friends.
10. I have Polycystic Kidney Disease.
11. I have never fallen in love.
12. I like beards. A lot.
13. I work for Starbucks.
14. I love music.
15. I love my friends.